We only accept returns at this time. Feel free to place a new order if you are looking for an exchange. We will refund you the returned item once received.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. We accept returns postmarked with 7 days of the delivery date. Please notes for hygiene reasons hats are not returnable.
You will be responsible for paying return shipping costs. You will be refunded for your order returned minus the shipping charge (if there is one), we do not charge any restock fees. You MUST please email us your return tracking number and order number once you mail it back to be eligible for the refund. Please let us know which items you are returning when you send us the return tracking.
Please return your item(s) along with a note in the return bag with your order number and items you are returning.
We stand by our product 100%. If you have any issues with your order please email us with images and we will make it right.
If you have any questions regarding returns please reach out to info@thechristianboho.com